In the Russian Federation they began to produce a completely domestic sniper cartridge Cheytac

1 year ago

In Russia, they began to produce a completely domestic Cheytac sniper cartridge. This was told to RIA Novosti by the head of the enterprise-developer Lobaev Arms Vladislav Lobaev.

According to Lobaev, the sniper cartridge 10.3x77 millimeters Cheytac has been completely replaced at the factory. Its mass production has already begun.

Prior to this, US- made cartridge cases were used for such cartridges , and gunpowder from the USA and Finland .

“For the first time, our 375 Cheytac rifles are supplied with cartridges with a Russian cartridge case developed by Lobaev Arms and gunpowder from a Kazan company, before we used foreign components,” Lobaev explained.

Lobaev Arms is located in Kaluga and is Russia's first private defense enterprise.

Weapon Pic By THOR Global Defense Group - Provided by the company for use on wiki article, CC BY-SA 3.0,

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