Antarctica’s Melting Ice Reveals its Frozen History... 2-hour Special!

1 year ago

Antarctica’s Melting Ice Reveals its Frozen History... 2-hour Special!
245,056 views Premiered Feb 18, 2023
A great compilation of our in-house catalogues of archived shows on the topic of Antarctica. In this 2-hour special, we will explore:
• Mysterious Ancient Ruins found in Antarctica
• Secret Tests at Antarctica
• Strange Entrances & Ancient Cities of Antarctica
• 1964 Satellite Photos show Ancient Ruins in Antarctica and Middle East
• Why the Scientists are so Intrigued with the Lost Lakes of Antarctica?
• ESA’s Gravity-Mapper Reveals Relics of Ancient Continents Under Antarctic Ice
• 260-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Trees of Antarctica
Discovery Bonus Feature: Exposing Antarctica – a documentary by Barry Fitzgerald
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