
1 year ago

"Zootopia" is a Disney animated film that takes place in a city inhabited by anthropomorphic animals. The story revolves around a rabbit named Judy Hopps, who dreams of becoming Zootopia's first female police officer. Despite facing challenges and prejudices for being a smaller and underrated species, Judy is determined and ends up being accepted into the police academy.

Upon graduation, she is assigned an intern's load in the city's most high-profile area, where she needs to solve a missing animal case. To do this, she allies with a cunning fox named Nick Wilde, known for his skills in cheating and protecting himself from trouble.

Together, Judy and Nick embark on a thrilling journey, unraveling a conspiracy that threatens the harmony of Zootopia. Throughout the film, they discover the importance of friendship, perseverance and overcoming stereotypes, showing that no matter the size or species, everyone has the potential to achieve their dreams.

"Zootopia" is an engaging animation that addresses themes such as inclusion, diversity and tolerance, conveying a powerful message about the importance of defending differences and building a fairer and more equal world.

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