Episode 183

7 years ago

Genealogy Gems Podcast
Episode 183 with Lisa Louise Cooke

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In this episode, a special expert joins us to talk about digitizing and storing your old movies, videos, and pictures and even further updating those old movies you've already put on CD. You'll hear a juicy clip from our exclusive Genealogy Gems Book Club interview with the editor of the new Laura Ingalls Wilder biography, Pioneer Girl. And Your DNA Guide is here with a story of DNA and the President.

NEWS: AncestryDNA Common Matches

Genealogists are losing sleep lately because of a new DNA tool, but in a good way! I am talking about AncestryDNA's release of its Common Matches tool. Diahan Southard, our resident DNA expert, shared the breaking news on our website recently, within hours of when the new tool when live.

She loves it so much she has already spent hours using Common Matches, which she says is blowing her genealogy mysteries wide open. This tool pulls out shared matches between two people who match at 4th cousins or closer. The tool is on AncestryDNA's main match page, between the Pedigrees and Surnames filter and the Map and Locations filter. This link will take you to a blog post on our site with Diahan who has great visuals and explanation of how to use this new tool.

We heard from Alana on Facebook after she read Diahan's post. She said, "I stayed up for hours past my bedtime last night resolving hundreds of mystery matches. Everything makes so much more sense now. You've been mentally begging them to come up with a way to search for two surnames: this does an even better job than that. I did think it was funny how they broke the news by trying to sell me more tests. Oh well. I am SO thankful for this extremely useful new tool!"

Have you tried it? Let us know how it works for you. We would love to hear your success stories and how you're making the most of DNA testing for genealogy.com


Recently Backblaze, a sponsor of this podcast, let us know that we can now activate an extra layer of security to better protect the data we have stored with them.

The feature is called two-factor verification. It requires that we present both our account credentials and a verification code from a second device is to gain access to our Backblaze account. That means someone who was trying to steal our data would have to have both our account information and access to the phone that's tied to the account. The option to require both these security steps can make Backblaze is a solid security even more powerful. It is like you're giving Backblaze permission to lock the doors to your data with two different keys instead of a single one, because you’re willing to take the time to use that second key whenever YOU need access.

This is just one more reason I am glad you have chosen Backblaze as the official cloud-based computer backup service of Genealogy Gems! I sleep more easily knowing Backblaze is backing me up, 24/7, without me having to do anything but live my life, create and edit the many files that bring you this show, and keep my Backblaze subscription current!

NEWS: RootsMagic Update for FamilySearch Family Tree

If you're a RootsMagic's user, did you install the required update recently so it will continue to work with FamilySearch? On July 30, last month, FamilySearch made some changes to its own site, which required RootsMagic to tweak things on their end to keep up.

If you're running RootsMagic 7, look for the Update Available indicator in the lower right corner of your RootsMagic 7 program screen, and click on it. You will then be able to continue working with FamilySearch Family Tree as if nothing has changed. If you're running Rootmagic 6, you can either upgrade to version 7 for around $20 or you can download the free RootsMagic 7 Essentials version and switch back and forth between them with the same database. Thanks for helping us spread the word to other RootsMagic users who are now scratching their heads when trying to work with FamilySearch FamilyTree!

MAILBOX: Keeping Track of Your Master Family Tree

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