Episode 68: Interview with Thomas MacEntee, GenealogyWise, Newspaper Webinar

7 years ago

Genealogy Gems Podcast
Episode 68 with Lisa Louise Cooke

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The Genealogy Guys are going to be at the Federation of Genealogical Societies conference in Little Rock, AR Sept 2-5 2009 recording their show before a live audience on Sept 3 at 3:30 pm.

Listen to Drew Smith interview Lisa on the Genealogy Guys Podcast Episode 177

The Library of Congress has launched "The Library of Congress on iTunes U, featuring historic video and sound recordings.

Download iTunes

Lisa discusses the start up and rocky road of the new social networking website for genealogists called Genealogy Wise by familylink.com

Paul Allen's Apology to Terry Thornton

So where do we go from here? Well, I still wholeheartedly encourage genealogists to network

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Where Are Paper of Record's Records?

It"s all still pretty murky. But it seems to be a pretty unanimous decision that Paper of Record was really a terrific newspaper website and though Google and WVR so far are not offering the same kind of search capabilities, they both seem to have some of the content. So my recommendation is to check Google News Archive first - which is free, and then check to see if WVR has the newspaper you're looking for.

Lisa's Video on the Google News Timeline

Premium Members can watch the Premium Video Using The Google News Archive for Genealogy. Become a Premium Member Today.

If you have information about the progress being made with the paper of records content I'd love to hear from you so I can update everyone here on the show. Email me or call the voice mail line at 925-272-4021 to leave a message that I can play on the show.

GEM: Profile America40th Anniversary of the Moon Landing - July 20

Visit NASA's website's Apollo 40th Anniversary pages

Watch the Launch-as you would have seen it on July 16, 1969, at 9:26 AM EDT T-minus 00:5:59 and counting

GEM: Interview with Geneablogger Thomas MacEnteeThomas talks about how to do genealogy blogging, his own numerous blogs, and some tips for you to get started blogging about your own family history.

Watch the video version of this interview at the Genealogy Gems TV Channel at YouTube

Thomas MacEntee's Blogroll:


Grandma Austin's Diaries

Bootcamp for Genea-Bloggers

Destination: Austin Family

And I Helped!

Lowville Obituaries

Lowville Long Ago

The Graveyard Rabbit of New York Rural Cemeteries

A Catskill Christmas

GEM: The July 2009 Family Tree Magazine Podcast EpisodeSnippet of my interview with Eric Grundset, Library Director at the DAR Library

Eric's fave collection:GRC National Index2 Volume - Vital Records of Americans in China and Korea

Mark your calendars: Join Lisa at the Family History Expo in Sandy, Utah just outside Salt Lake City August 28 & 29, 2009.

Sign up for the Family Tree Webinar...Finding Your Family in Old Newspapers:Top Web Sites for Getting the Scoop on Your RelativesWhen: Wednesday, July 29th at 7:00 pm Eastern / 4:00 pm PacificDuration: 1 HourCost: $29.99Presenter: Lisa Louise Cooke, Be aware: SPACE IS LIMITED!

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