Explosive Emails Confirm State Department's Early Warnings on Wuhan Lab and Pandemic

1 year ago

(S2152 full video https://youtu.be/3z7nlYXmPzc) A new explosive set of emails belatedly released by the State Department prove once and for all that State Department officials complained in early March of 2020 that IF their own warnings about the Wuhan lab had been heeded, there wouldn’t have been a pandemic.

The warnings show that US officials knew in 2018 that there was a "serious shortage of appropriately trained technicians to safeguard bio security at the Wuhan lab and that the lab’s director, Shi Zhengli, has been forced to use low biosafety level facilities for her coronavirus experiments.

Even worse, in a cruel turn of fate, the Trump White House official to whom these warnings were sent in early 2018 was fired shortly after receiving them. The reason he was fired had nothing to do with the warnings. It was because John Bolton had become National Security Adviser and fired the old crew. With huge consequences – as we now know.

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