Sword Coast Legends 13: Recruiting a Tank Wizard and Debuff Paladin

1 year ago

We get what I hope/think are our last two characters in this section. We get Dalanir, a drow who disguised himself as Soronil. He has some special spells, like Debilitating Strike and Dimension Door, that make him a prime candidate to be a mage tank. Javen, the paladin of Helm, gets to wear a jaunty hat to pump his CHA so he can be a debuff greatsword Paladin. Too much time is spent tweaking builds and passing equipment around. I assume we're now in the rush to the end at the Underdark. Or the Enderdark.

At the Temple of Ghaunadaur, I don't even really know what the boss, if any, there was supposed to be. We're not going to be tracking individual leveling any more, since at this point, people are just building up their existing skills or picking up more of the same. Nothing super exciting going forward level wise after we show Dalanir and Javen's builds.

00:00 Let's Go -- Temple of Ghaunadaur
28:50 Demons in the Slums
41:15 Demon Slum Boss
46:32 Boss Defeated
51:54 Leveling People, Equipping People
57:08 The Slow Process of Dalanir Mage Tank
1:27:54 Waylaid While Chasing Evil Drow Brother
1:31:04 Javen Defeated, Recruited, Leveled, Equipped
1:52:45 Session Clean Up

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