another failed attempt to say sumin brief (yep, still ranting)

1 year ago

you know me going in 15-35 different directions
mental illness has made me this badass hahaha
everything is the opposite figured this out a long time ago
i always leave my car on unnecessarily
mental illness misunderstood by everyone
don't forget neighbors amy
your fave mental ill neighbor *drinking coffee at 4am
always been a night owl, i accepted this a while back but my parents always had an issue w/ it
hysteria...hysterika (greek)...uterus
the first vibrator came about due to women's hysteria
lazy ass doctors came up with masturbating device
getting women off used to be medicine
lashing out at idealized critics
maybe they wanna fit in or have exhausted their efforts
was he on anything? lexapro.
emotions are the most misunderstood thing
neighbors will most definitely be involved in the future
anything you want you gotta do it yourself
they expect _____ to do it for em
social contagions but also...
i dunno how to deal with this (common thought nobody will say outloud)
putting on a show, that's what too many people do
is what you're doing helping anyone/anything
the chutzpah, damnit that's for you fake ass christians
ronnit on holocaust denial...
amazing impression of ronnit right there
ag's personal (human) holy trinity: jesus, me n ronnit very ironic hahahaha
why people rely on "professionals" so much
i'm never gonna watch that movie tho
exposing people or whatever doesn't really do anything
pissing off the elite really doesn't matter
most people do shit for egotistical purposes
i admire people in certain regards and totally disgusted in others
if they had self-awareness they'd kill themselves
Christianity exists BECUZ of empathy
ego always gets in the way of helping
ag is frenz w/ everybody
mental illness can lessen only thru compassion and understanding
i don't act on my gender dysphoria that's all
the same authority figures every time
i hate hypocrites so much
becuz we live in a plebian sheep world you will get paid to be terrible
facing problems like a man: figure it out
crazy gets such a bad rep
i always wanna say mind fuckey shit
story of my life: internalizing comments
why ag is wiser than everyone on twitter (yes, even you)

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