Lumber River section 9 McNeils Bridge Access at Kenric Dr to High Hill Access

1 year ago

Had been interesting morning as I set my phone alarm, while I sleeping, the phone did a update and rebooted, so my alarm never went of, I woke up 0750hrs, so I was in a hurry, it is a 50 min drive from my home, I did text Van I would be there 10mins late, and way I went, I actually got there 0901hrs and 2 mins ahead of Van and Omer, to our surprise, we had a Janice and Denis W., waiting there for us, we unloaded the gear and boats and left Janice to supervise Omer on the guard duty.
Janice being a trooper, picked up litter and Van left it in truck. We hit the water at 1001hrs according to Van, it was low, but very good level I would say, no issues of downfall, and there was some new downfall, but nothing we could not go around.
It did seem like we was making good time, I mean we paddled to the 5.4 mile before we took a break for snack and refreshment. This not my favorite section because of all the traffic that can be heard from the road near the river, for me it is like I am really not leaving the so called civilization behind and enjoying God's creation .
After lunch we ran into Charlotte, Marshal's wife, and her lady friends , artist doing drawings on the river, bank, we spoke with her alittle and all the lady's took pictures of us kayaking, than headed down river, several power boats were out and about as well as several fishermen doing their thing, one spoke to me, if we was fishing, I replied that we just kayak, which he did not seem to understand, that people just actually kayak for enjoyment.
We did run into a hawk, that was faking injury to lure us away from her chicks, was interesting as I never seen a hawk to this but I have seen this from ducks. I captured this on video, yes I remembered to take off the lens cap this time :). I will post video later, I do not know if anyone took any pictures, as we weere just enjoying the beautiful day with some of LRCC finest.

Paddlers Omer, Van, Denis W, Janice and last but not least ME!
Thank You Van for the Shuttle back to boats, I took Omer and Van back to their truck at the end of the day.

C U on the River!
Scott and Patrick the Wonder Dog

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