Caregivers & Consent Explainer Video

1 year ago

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The key takeaway is found in the American Medical Association’s Code of Medical Ethics 2.1.1 Informed Consent language: “When the patient/surrogate has provided specific written consent, the consent form should be included in the record.”

Specific written consent to your physician is the main point as it is only within the context of the physician-patient relationship where consent is either granted or withdrawn. Also remember to follow a process to ensure that your current consent is placed into the medical record through legal notice. (see General Instructions)

• Where To Use - These documents can be used at a nursing home, at outpatient surgery facilities, or any facility where you are under the care of a physician (or surgeon) and want your consent wishes to be known.
• Children - The Caregivers and Consent document was specifically designed for adults who can make their own decisions.
• Other Countries - Although this Caregivers and Consent document is designed with the United States of America in mind, it is theoretically plausible that any place that respects the Jehovah’s Witness’ advance decision documents (where a Jehovah Witness declines consent for blood during their entire hospital stay) might also respect the Caregivers and Consent document delineating your current consent wishes during your hospital stay.
• Make Changes - The Caregivers and Consent document is a template; you may modify language or create your own consent document.

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