The Watchers (Revelation)

1 year ago

Years ago, as I was going thru the process of being liberated from Hollywood's Khazarian-Jewish mesmerization and trying to find good Jesus content, there wasn't much and I think rightfully so. Hollywood's ability to move masses is LIE-BASED, utilizes patented visual and auditory frequencies to manipulate brain waves and patterns...and they've spent years perfecting the process. It's a GOOD THING, that Christians are NOT good at this 😊

Nonetheless, I watched this about 3-4 years ago, but I didn't know any of the details that were being talked about in the movie (e.g. Annunaki, alien deception and fallen angels)...but I decided to watch this again and if you can blow past the "B" quality and acting (WHICH IS REALLY HARD TO DO...honestly), boy, there's some AMAZING truth that will help prep you for what is coming...enjoy!

Subscribe to this channel if you would like future HOLLYWOOD DECODE drop notifications. Hollywood is the propaganda arm of the Illu'm+inati, Global-ists, Cabal, Kha>za+rian Jooz. They use this media arm to gain your PASSIVE CONSENT

If you have any doubt that your prayers are a powerful weapon, just think about this...satanists are ALL-IN and they believe 100% in the spirit-realm. If they are doing all of their grotesque rituals to invoke the power of satan, where is their opposition?

If the evil ones doing this have created a mindset of intellectual-ism, scient-ism, and naturalism, WHY DID THEY DO THAT? Because they are afraid of what'll happen if you ever discover your ROYAL identity as a blood-bought child of King Jesus.

It's time to get off of our keesters and fight back with spiritual weapons of war. Intercede on behalf of humanity after you watch this video. Pray that God would reveal TRUTH and expose the lies of the kingdom of darkness! 🙏

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