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1 year ago

Short video on what is DNA-X really means

From HRM QRD main Telagram channel

Q & A, DNA strands?

Q: Queen Romana, is it true that a child, woman and man have each 12 DNA strands?

A: False. There are more than 12 DNA strands...

DNA-X, is working 24 / 7, repairing, unlocking, upgrading and reactivating your DNAs.

Imagine a very old Computer that has been sitting in the Basement never been used...for 300,000 years.

Suddenly, a computer technician came to your House and started repairing, unlocking, upgrading and reactivating all programs inside that computer...

That computer is your body...

The computer technician is DNA-X...working for free...

IF suddenly you experience a sudden change in your energy level(s) and you start moving very fast physically - 😂🤣 that is DNA-X.

You will also notice when doing house chores that used to take days to complete - you can do in one day or less 🤣

And, you require less sleep.

DNA-X = MedBeds without MedBeds.

DNA-X is the Mother of MedBeds and Replicator technologies ++++++++ 😊☝🙏

To help your body quickly realign with DNA-X work.

Accept and claim that you are light beings I AM Living Master Creators Unlimited.

Let go of ego and Religious false teachings...

You are children of the Master Supreme Creator unlimited endowed with all of Creator's own talents, gifts, and creative powers. And do it is...☝🙏

DNA-X, will heal everything and everyone that is I AM Living.

That includes your non-human species Family Members created by Light Master Creator unlimited.

DNA-X, is what the Pissositos have feared the most in the last 300,000 years...

They and their Masters have worked so hard to prevent DNA-X from repairing, unlocking, reactivating, and upgrading Humanity DNA 😉 ☝🙏

IF you notice, your daily trips to the Kitchen/Refrigerator is noticeably less - you feel less hunger/thirst...That's DNA-X.

DNA-X, has been activated since I AM QueenRomana @romanadidulo, Channels were created...

DNA-X have been attached to every message posted by I AM @romanadidulo, every Cease and Desist Orders, every Channel and Group Chats created under Queen Romana.

IF you observe slight discomfort or experience Flu like symptoms...

That's because DNA-X is re-engaging (turning on) all of your internal systems..It will come to pass...

Please, drink plenty of warm water..

With DNA - X working, some will become very sensitive and emotional -
That's the God Master Creator unlimited consciousness being activated within you. That too will come to pass...
Q & A, DNA-X.
Q: Dearest Regal Queen Romana:
When you activated the DNA-X to all living I AMs, Does this include the still asleep I AMs or just those that are awake and have claimed their I AM?
Blissings to you, we are forever grateful for your guidance in this journey 💕

A: Yes. It includes all living I AMs. Humans, Plants, Animals, Water, Air, and Soil. All of light God Master Creator unlimited creations...

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Peace and Prosperity and Love.

🌟🌟Politics Zero, Religion Zero 🌟 🌟

HRH Majesty Queen Romana Didulo,
Head of Government,
President, Queen, and National Indigenous Chief of the Kingdom of Canada
Twitter: QROMANAofCanada

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