Episode 124 - New Google Search, Newspaper Research

8 years ago

Genealogy Gems Podcast
Episode 124 with Lisa Louise Cooke
Published Jan 10, 2012

What's Black, and White and READ all over? Your Ancestors in old newspapers!

In fact, your ancestors could be anywhere! Most likely they were mentioned at some point in their own local paper, but they might also show up in a neighboring towns paper, or in a paper located thousands of miles away.

Nothing is more exciting than finding information in an old newspaper that adds to your family history! And I've been working feverishly on a new book that I can finally tell you about that is going to finally give you the answers and resources you need to be successful finding your ancestors in the new. It's called Everything You Need to Know About Finding Your Family History in Newspapers and that's exactly what it is. It's everything you need to know.

This book is going to change all that. I spell out a step-by-step process and give you a worksheet you can copy and use again and again. There are tons of websites, search tips, and 3 very Cool Online tools that probably aren't using but you should be!

Stay tuned because we'll be doing an official launch very soon, and I'm going to have a very special opportunity for you to get a signed copy of the book first.


Get Your Kids Involved in Genealogy with the Chart ChickHave you been following The Chart Chick blog lately? It's written by my friend Janet Hovorka and boy or boy she's been running a terrific series on getting your kids involved in genealogy.

Polish Genealogy Podcast by Dave NewmanNew Website: http://polgenpodcast.com. Also now in iTunes

Keynote Workshop at Who Do You Think You Are? Live in London I'll be on the panel discussing genealogy social networking.
RootsTech and Book Sellers

The genealogy world has had a bit of controversy lately:
Genealogy Book Sellers encouraged to sign up for booths in the RootsTech Expo Hall
Genealogy Book Sellers sent & No Thank You emails on a Friday Afternoon
Social Networking Genealogist Firestorm erupts and burns through the weekend
Genealogy Book Sellers now provided Expo Hall booth space

RootsTech Schedule is FINALLY published!

Also, just a reminder for your readers that the special discounted registration price of $149 ends on Friday, January 13.

My Classes at RootsTech:

Thurs. Feb 2 at 11:00 am a hands on Google Workshop

Friday Feb. 3 at 9:45 am Genealogy Blogs and Podcasts

Saturday Feb. 4 at 1:45 Inspiring Ways to Captivate the Non-Genealogists in Your Life

New Irish Issue of Family Chronicle Family Chronicle has just announced they have published their newest special publication called Tracing Your Irish Ancestors. Cover price is $9.95 plus $4.50 shipping and it's available at the Family Chronicle bookstore at http://familychronicle.com/books.htm/

Improved Blog Search from GoogleNow you can search for blogs specifically focused on the family history topics that mean the most to you!

New Google Search Option:

1. Go to Google.com

2. Search on specific keywords (ex. County Cork Ireland Genealogy)

3. Click More in the Search Options Column on the left side of the page

4. Click Blogs

5. Click Homepages or blog Homepages

6. Now your search results are for blogs focused on those keywords and not just individual articles

7. Click the RSS or Google button to add the blog to your Homepage in a Gadget

(Learn more about transforming Google.com into your own Genealogy Research Dashboard by becoming a Genealogy Gems Premium Member)


Timothy wrote:

I want to thank you for having Steve Luxenberg on podcast episodes #120 and #121 to discuss his book Annie's Ghosts.

PBS documentary Triumph at Carville: A Tale of Leprosy in America http://www.pbs.org/triumphatcarville

Your interview with Steve also spurred me on to conduct
further research into two other folks that I have been researching, both of whom died in the South Carolina State Hospital. The following brief history is from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History, "The State Dept. of Mental Health has undergone several name changes in its history. The original name was the South Carolina Lunatic Asylum (1821-1895) which was followed by the South Carolina State Hospital for the Insane (1896-1919), the South Carolina State Hospital (1920-1963), and finally the State Dept. of Mental Health (1964 to the present)." I am now currently awaiting to hear back from the archives.

Book ReviewsHave a Voice: Post positive reviews on Goodreads, Amazon and Lulu for genealogy books you enjoy!

Richard Needs Your Help
As I was going back over some items...

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