My Security Cameras intercepted some E.T Chatter!

1 year ago

This is raw footage of a security camera that I placed at the farm I was at. Where I was having all my first contact experiences. I haven't edited this video but you can clearly hear what sounds like alien chatter being picked up on the security camera during a crazy wind storm. These cameras are motion censored , and usually wind does not affect the motion sensors. So something was in front of it, causing my camera to go back and forth . they were communicating with the camera for at least 20 minutes and I just took a snippet of this video. This was one of the many experiences I've had on my journey and l the ET contacts I've been happening constantly now. let me know what you guys think have you heard any of the stuff before on your devices? #ascension #alien #5d #paranormal #alienchatter #ce5 #uap

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