What are some deeply unsettling facts that you know?

1 year ago

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What are some deeply unsettling facts that you know?
In 2019, there was a document about internet predators. The filmmakers hired three young-looking actresses and let them pose as 12yo girls on social media for 10 days. They received 2458 messages. Only one of them actually wanted to chat, the rest were sexual predators.
Within three days of death, the enzymes from your digestive system begin to digest your body.
The Australian prime minister shit himself at mcdonalds
If a hamster manages to get it’s hands on your body if you are dead, it will use chunks of your skin, hair and other stuff to make a nest. Leaving a very bloody and messy scene behind
People that are good at murder do actually get away with it.
In 1933, a doctor named Carl Tanzler raided the tomb of a female patient with whom he'd become obsessed and stole her body. He lived with the corpse for seven years. As the body fell apart, he attached the corpse's bones together with wire and coat hangers, and fitted the face with glass eyes. He was only caught when someone saw him dancing with the corpse in front of an open window.
21 year old girl from South Carolina had a psychotic episode after using meth... pulled both of her eyes out and crushed them in her hands because she thought she needed to in order to save the world. I believe people saw it happen.Edit: typo
All whales eventually lose the energy to surface for oxygen, so they basically just sink and drown
After the bombing of Hiroshima, "black rain" that contained radioactive material fell, and many didn't realize it until it was too late. Also, according to my Japanese professor, they didn't even have a word for the atomic bomb at the time. I unfortunately can't remember what she said they called it instead.
Paradoxical undressing. it happens during the last stages of hypothermia. as your nerves are damaged, the person removes all of their clothing in freezing temperatures because they feel irrationally hot.

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