Liquid Floor Love revisit (2023) - Lome Marsupial

1 year ago

"Liquid Floor Love" revisit;
Re-recorded a few versions*.
this is one of them. (Music all rights reserved
Lome Marsupial Esquire the III)
(Note I am going into character mode likely forever-outward.)

*After I punted your smart phones into some curvy volcanoes!

MY site some hot ASS
Patreon, I have tons of extras and lots of pissy rants

Another bare layer version of a more recent song.
Should I just release them without instrument over dubs? I may have to!
Missing are: some home made percussion, acoustic bass, and electric slide lead.

n.e.way all the older stuff is still on spotify and other nickel n dime streaming apparatuses. search LOME MARSUPIAL. PARADS SCE LIVE Originals recently put up onto there.
I'm supposed to advise any would-be listeners or supports I may so huck warm soda cans at their heads and hiss immensely at them. That's typical.

Hurr Durr look at me I'm doing the whole folky rock niche thing look, its a brimmed hat, looks, its some rail road tracks, look Im a hipster living in stab city USA, I but 8 dollar coffees and reek!
I'm gonna be a m-fckin walking cliche,
and go to the guitar store and
talk to the Cholesterol Twins and have em shake money outta me like no tomorrow and tickle their mangey upscale gutteral belly buttons.
I'm gonna do boomer rock!

I'm gonna get that trust fund brat kissin' lotsa butt.
I'm gonna sanitize rock'n'roll,
and scrape your skin down to your bones,
so I can look like you,
and be like you
and live like you,
so different ya know.

Anyhow that's my press release.
Now open your mouth and listen to Liquid Floor Love, its a love song based on a Fionna Apple hit from a little back when.

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