It’s all a lie! They have to keep the population in perpetual fear

1 year ago

🚨 A strange show of an Iron Dome filmed in recent days in Israel

⚠️There is no goal

⚠️ We don't see a meeting on another missile

⚠️Spontaneous explosion in the sky creating a "boom"

❓ Is it statistically possible that out of almost 500 launches such a small number of hits will be received?

❓ Could it be that this story repeats itself almost exactly time after time, year after year?

❓ What have we learned about the preservation of the sea-bor in constant panic (combat, operations, epidemics, climate changes, disasters, etc.)?

❓And is there anyone, from within the system, who tried to bring the truth to light? And if so, where is he today...?

Do a lot of critical self-thinking 😉

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