XTOUC RX302 titanium flipper with M390 blade !

1 year ago

Discount Codes:
CX301 15%off code : CX301D15OFF
RX302 15%off code: RX30215OFF
XT01A 15%off: XT01A15OFF
SX603 10%off: SX60310OFF

Link to RX302 on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/XTOUC-Folding-Sandblasted-Titanium-RX302/dp/B0BZ7BGT36/ref=sr_1_131?crid=3SCCU725SU9HA&keywords=titanium+knife&qid=1682049790&sprefix=titanium+knife%2Caps%2C340&sr=8-131

Link to XTOUC CX301 on Amazon : https://www.amazon.com/s?k=B0C4N9S29Q&ref=nb_sb_noss

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