Killstream - Jim on TRR With Dick Masterson, Kiwi Owner, Corrine [ W Timestamps ] [ 2018-06-01 ]

1 year ago

#Mistermetokur #ArchivingChudbuds #Killstream
Note: Timestamps are included lower down and in the pinned comment.
Enjoy! I'm trying to build an Archive with all of Jim's Videos and Streams. Allso the streams where Jim was a guest on.
By: Mister Metokur , Ethan Ralph , Dick Masterson , Josh , Corrine
From: 2018-06-01
I Really hope you recover and get better Jim
Thank You for Watching! âš¡âš¡
This Video is for educational and scientific purposes.
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After TRR Has Dick Masterson on to talk about Maddox, Jim Joins (The stream is split in 2 parts originally)
They recap the ArabAndy arrest, they talk about JihadiJarbo the KiwiFarms owner and The Furry Community
Tariq Nasheed and him being swated as well as laughing at the Liberalists

00:13:31 - Part 1 Ends (Stream 1)

00:14:30 - ArabAndy arrest (Library Edition)

00:49:33 - Jim Dox Superchat (Soyfather jokes commence)

00:57:22 - On Tariq Nasheed getting swated

01:24:20 - Corrin Joins

02:04:50 - Corrin handler speaks

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