What's Inside The Blood Clots of CV-19 VAXXXed? What is Causing Blood to Clot?

1 year ago

Spiked Protein is born out of the red and white blood cells and the body cell membranes and is not caused by Spike Protein shedding. Pathological Blood Clotting inside the vascular fluids is caused by 4 and 5G radiation amplified by graphene ferric oxide from the CV-19 VAXXXination!

Please watch and share this live blood video of spike proteins coming out of the red and white blood cells in a living CV VAXXXinated 69 year old female!

Spiked protein is born out of the cell membranes of red and white blood cells due to oxygen deprivation caused by graphene ferric oxide and radiation poisoning as shown in the living blood by Dr. Robert O Young​

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