The CCP‘s Unrestricted Chemical Warfare Against US: Fentanyl

1 year ago

05/17/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson Radio: The CCP collaborated with the Mexican cartel to do Fentanyl business, illicit drug smuggling across the open border and to harm American communities. This is unrestricted chemical warfare against the Americans. The CCP can use the cheap Fentanyl to kill a lot of Americans without firing a shot. And it is helped by the open border policy.
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang

05/17/2023 妮可接受Winn Tucson Radio节目采访:中共与墨西哥卡特尔贩毒集团通过开放的边境走私芬太尼,危害美国人的健康。芬太尼是中共对美国的生化超限战。中共利用廉价的芬太尼,不需开一枪就能杀死很多美国人,而开放的边境政策助长了中共的计划。
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平

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