The Changing World of Healing With Dr Sharnael Wolverton Sehon

1 year ago

Meeting the wonderful Dr Sharnael Wolverton as we discuss her practice of Healing all aspects of our human lives. From the Aromatherapy essences, to her books, oracle cards, scalar diagnosis, biofeedback and ultimately the realms of mind and imagination to reconstruct, restore and redefine our lives as fun expressions of our divine source.

We talk about making this empowering information the normal as we move into more conscious awareness of our own place within this structure of life on Earth.

Please do visit Dr Sharnael’s website for her rich array of books and essences and healing services. and

IN addition, her husband, Brian Sehon’s website allows you to purchase and try out the energy- resonance wands

And please do visit my website, for children’s books, adults books on aspects of home education, creativity and learning, music and courses, including the new modality of Activating Your Human Potential, so that you too can access your inner world and transform your outer one:

The Heavenly Tea: Conversations to prepare us for a free world in the luxurious form of a tea-party. Traditionally world-changing conversations would be held over a cup of tea…. we will be indulging in a moment of calm to chew over some of life’s mysterious conundrums- all in favour of increasing our personal expression.

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