Do You Take ANY of Big Pharma's 'Medicine'? - I did! (Reloaded) [20.05.2023]

1 year ago

"The easiest way to love and feel good about yourself, is just to be yourself!"

"For your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations (ethnos) were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia)" - Revelation 18:23

Pharmacia = Sorcery disguised as Medicine! ):

'Those That Fail to Learn From History, Are Doomed to Repeat it' - George Satayana (1886-1912)

- Do you trust the Big Pharma companies? [I did]
- Who owns and controls Big Pharma companies? [research]
- Do you trust the Doctors? [I did]
- Do you trust the Health Authorities? [I did]
- Do You Trust the Pharmaceutical Companies? [I did]
- Did you know that the Pharmacies get paid by the pharmaceutical companies for each sale of theirs products?
- Follow the Fucking Money...!

DOSED - Life is full of choices 'Documentary' (20.03.2019)

This film documents an doctor medical addict's journey from rock bottom to early recovery using primarily Psilocybin mushrooms and Ibogane therapies.

These plant medicines have been used for healing by indigenous cultures for thousands of years, but the West is slowly waking up to the transformational potential of these substances.

20 years ago these substances were considered drugs. Now, as this documentary shows, they are being reclassified as medicines.

This documentary is so well done. I applaud the creators in their courage to tell this story and lead the charge in changing the public narrative around addiction and addiction recovery.

I also applaud the woman in the film and thank her for her willingness to have her deeply personal experience be shown on the big screen.

DOSED (original title)
1h 22min | Documentary | 20 March 2020 (USA)
Official Teaser:

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