Season #Day1 Ep #1 of 'At Bronie's Desk' Wednesday podcasts ~ with Pharmacist Ben Fuchs

1 year ago

Day #1, 154 ! #broniesworld ~ Wise Wednesday with the radical Pharmacist Benjamin Knight Fuchs WOW! What a short but sweet way to start this new serious of mine 'At Bronie's Desk'
Ben was amazing and if you thought all Pharmacist were the same and only work for Big Pharma, than you my friend are mistaken
"So here's the deal it is the art of how the outside world interacts with the body to create medicinal or therapeutic changes, that's all"
It is now. In the old days the very old days pharmacy was herbs
and botanicals, and the pharmacists would take a mortar and pestle. You know that is a grinding device like a cup in and a stick.
He put herbs in it, and he would grind it, and either put it into a capsule. Maybe I don't think that caps would be a Tea, or he put it into a tincture, and he would use botanicals. And so Pharmacy, traditionally has been the art of using medicine from nature in order to interact with the find that we didn't know about vitamins to 150 years ago. But if we had vitamins back, then they would use that too. That's nutrients back then.
But we didn't really know about nutrients. 500,000 600,000years ago, 2,000 5,000years ago. Even as that as how old pharmacy is, they would traditionally use herbs and plants. That was the medicines then in the middle of the nineteenth century. In the 18 hundreds they figured out how to use chemicals and the pharmaceutical industry was born, and the old time pharmacists who took herbs and botanicals became a and and ground them up and and put them in tinctures, became a dispenser of drugs.
But that's only about 100, maybe 170 years old. That model it's not really it's very, it's very a recent, but the marketing has been so good that today, when we think of medicine, we automatically think of drugs. But that's a but that's not correct. That's a meme.
That's a belief that's been inoculated into the culture, but it doesn't withstand, like all means, by the way, it doesn't withstand critical. Thank you.
If you think about it, what is a medicine. Why should the medicine automatically be a drug?
If's there's no real reason for it except for advertising and marketing and generational history.
It's been kids learn from their parents or from their parents, learn from their parents. So when you're when you have a cold, you take an antibiotic, or if you have a high blood pressure problem. You take an anti-pertensive. You take a pharmaceutical so the pharmacy in the pharmacy business.
The pharmacist has been co-opted by the pharmaceutical business and pharmacy does not necessarily have to be pharmaceutical, but it is because of marketing and because of advertising.
So you can tell your friends that just because somebody's a pharmacist does not automatically compell him to being a pharmaceuticalist. You get the distinction I'm making here, just because somebody is a pharmacist does not automatically have to compel him to be a pharmaceuticalist.
"So I'm a pharmacist. But I'm not a pharmaceuticalist" ~ Ben Fuchs
Come hear more of what Ben had to share with us today ... due to another engagement we didn't have time for Q and A today, however Ben's message was still very powerful ... I don't want to spoil it for you ~ Ben also has a podcast called 'The Radical Pharmacist' of which I have asked ben to pop the link in the comments below for those of you who love listening to podcast
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