Mademoiselle De Belle Isle by Alexandre Dumas - Audiobook

1 year ago

Mademoiselle De Belle Isle by Alexandre Dumas. (Translated by Frances Anne Kemble.)
Read in English by ToddHW; Sandra Schmit; Sonia; Leanne Yau; Tomas Peter; Owen Cook; Jason in Panama; Devorah Allen; Craig Franklin; Kurt; Roger Melin; alanmapstone.
"The refined and fashionable audiences who... used to applaud the play of Mademoiselle de Belle Isle… would, in all probability, have objected to an English version of Dumas' clever play, upon the score of its immorality. It is not for me to determine whether the aristocratic audiences at the St James Theater did not understand what they heard, or whether the French language has a special charm for rendering inoffensive what plain English fails to recommend." - Summary by The Translator

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