JUAN O SAVIN- Tribunals, Tribunals, Tribunals- *clipped* AMP 5 19 2023

1 year ago

This is short and sweet. The Clarity here with James Grundvig and Josh Reid is Legendary. This is add free and Juan's Presentation only. Thanks to AMP and the whole show is here: https://rumble.com/v2osnd4-durham-deep-state-crater-with-juan-o-savin-josh-reid-and-suzzanne-monk-ut-e.html
We are going to get through this together! The optimism is refreshing.
AI is the reason we have to WIN THIS NOW. The real reason is... like the end of the road that you can see, but the NARROW PATH is much safer. Making your environment comfortable LOCALLY.. is well worth doing now. STOCK UP for a few months. Do what you can to secure your space. On the other side it will be GLORIOUS.

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