Stew Peters finds out the vax is pure posion made to match the bible+worse #Markedx666

1 year ago

The vax tricks have been out from 1800's than at least as i can see from history 4 others till 1900's than the others we know ..of and more we do not evil si nothing but bad ideas ,given to Good people,toss in some cash and boom they look they other way from 1985 shooting kids up with 4 maybe 5 days if testing, as if to see if it was good enough to kill them in time know they knew in 1935 what to shoot us up with thanks to the German's and vax,tech, we stole and used to de pop us for they have orders to kill us said so !
They will and say now in there own papers depopulation is a national security they open the borders .is a demonic ..set up
It was for the good of it says in the bible, will be the excuse of them all- !
With great wisdom comes great sorry-only hope now for us all is to repent !
3-TO 7 MAX If you got the right batch
They made each one more deadly !
Obama in labs 2005 1bio lab- could have wiped out the world-so he , Rumsfield,made 40+To end it !
File charges end all vaccines...
You must call out evil now you you end it !

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