You Are More Powerful Than You Know with Maria and Kimberly

1 year ago

Maria Bernardis had me on her channel to talk about what's happening on earth, how people are reacting to events and what we all need to be doing now and more. This was a great chat.

Maria's channels and contact info;

Link to purchase my new book “Walking With Yeshua and Mary Magdalene”.
Once you purchase, I will email you the PDF within 1 to 3 days.

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Kimberly's books:
Ascension 101: A Roadmap for Your Soul
The Real Fountain of Youth: An Intro to the PEACE Stress Management System
Both available on Amazon worldwide

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Get one of the best and one of the safest detox products on the market that Kimberly uses for the pineal and 3rd eye and also your body:

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All Videos on this channel are for entertainment purposes only.
The opinions and beliefs expressed by Kimberly Palm in these videos are the beliefs and opinions of Kimberly Palm only and they do not represent opinions and beliefs of the general public.
All videos are Copywrites of Kimberly Palm and Spiritual Growth Journeys, LLC. All Rights Reserved. Use of any of the videos or any parts of the videos on this channel are by permission only from Kimberly Palm. Any unauthorized use of videos on this channel will be pursued in a court of law

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