One Hour One Life Gameplay - Guan New - Unwanted Child

1 year ago

0:00 Birth
My mother was Jasmine New. She was really mean and didn't want me because I was born a male =/. She fed me until I was old enough to feed myself so I will be at least grateful for that. I said good bye to her and never looked back.

3:30 Exploring the Town
Town had all the basics if not more. There wasn't much for me to add so I planned on setting out to find Tarry Spots since I was the correct ethnicity for it. I had to wait until I was old enough.

4:55 Skewer found and Waypoint Set
6:17 Watering Gooseberry bushes
8:17 Found Steel Pipes
Perfect for what I wanted to do.

13:04 Start packing for my Journey
Inherited the Property owned by Alex.

13:44 Off to find Tarry Spots
14:16 Built a Snow Wall
1. Barehand + Snow Bank = Snowball
2. Snowball + Snow Bank = Medium Snowball
3. Medium Snowball + Snow Bank = Huge Snowball
4. Huge Snowball + (Selected) Stakes = Snow Wall

15:55 Abandoned Village
It looked awfully familiar which gave me the thought of the same place where I found baskets of clay when I was playing in previous life as Snowden.

20:00 Lots of Dry Tarry Spots
Not sure why but large regions of Tarry Spots were dry. Had to venture out quite far.

21:20 Another Abandoned Town
21:40 Inherited Harriel's Property
27:02 Finally found a Wet Tarry Spot
I used a Steel Pipe on it but it asked for Stone Blocks next to make a Oil Drilling Foundation. I started to find more Tarry Spots further West.

30:30 Finally found a Highway
31:50 Pea Town
Very friendly town.

33:22 Discussion with Sunny Pea
She was wondering if I wanted to Trade but I was just on my way. She didn't need anything either. She welcomed me into her town which was nice.

35:02 Took four Stone Blocks
36:12 Simonar Town - Abandoned
37:02 Became Leader
Felt awkward being the leader of a town that I haven't spent much time in.

43:11 Another Highway
43:31 Realizing New Town was originally Bunny Town
44:00 Alexis telling me about her sea of Wheat
45:27 Property Fence was damaged
I brought out the Kerosene in case anyone needed it but the wall was broken anyway. If I had more time I would have come back to fix it.

46:28 Went back out to use the Stone Blocks on a Tarry Spot/ Oil Drilling Tube

52:24 Doomes Town
This was what's left of Doomes Town I assume since there was a body here.

52:55 Found a Wet Tarry Spot to try it on
Need more Stone Blocks unfortunately. Maybe 8 instead of 4.

56:15 First time seeing the paving machine
Running Paver West it said in the description. Never would have guess it's automated.

58:38 Doomeville?
58:50 Previous Mom's Ice Hole Building
I think it's the house that Ginger Bunny built.

Perfect place to be my resting place. Had a hitching post for my horse as well =). Definitely put on a lot of mileage on my horse XD.

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