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🔴 5-19-23 - Is Freemasonry Christian?

1 year ago

5-19-23 - Is Freemasonry Christian?


Broadcast on WBCQ May 12th, 2023, on shortwave frequency 7.490 MHz and WRMI on shortwave frequency 9.395 kHz, as well as KingdomOnlineRadio.com.

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1 Comment

  • 0/2000
  • Freemasonry descended from Sumerian Mystery Schools, thousands and thousands of years before the Roman Empire mixed previous pagan Sun systems together, to make Christianity. Neither religion nor politics are real, and therefore rarely discussed in the Masonic arena. The EA symbols clearly illustrate Jesus is the Sun, guided by the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn (The St’s John E and B), Sun gods are born in Virgo, are the Lamb in Aries,then use 2 fish in Pisces, meet 2 brothers in Gemini, become Lions of Judah in Leo, walk on water in Aquarius etc… they die in Winter, meet Satan/the Goat(Capricorn), and resurrect in Spring again. When they cross the River Jordan (equator), we have Passover. Freemasonry knows this and it’s the reason the church attacks them. It could cost churches MILLION$, when people realize the Sun doesn’t run on money. Does Masonry take money from the sick, lying about healing? No, that’s Christianity. Masonry searches for truth behind the allegories used to fool gullible chubby people. No Mason believes Jonah lived inside a whale, that’s Christianity. All myths are dispelled by truth!