W of Walling World shares his professional intro #wallingworld #w4wh

1 year ago

Join W for a little walk in the beautiful Arizona desert while he tells you a little about himself, his value as a paid consultant and the types of projects and engagements he is suited for. Looking to uncover opportunities for business growth through multi-media content, agile strategic development, and business advisory services that fine tune operations while achieving increasing brand value and the desired actions of your target audience? What about a commercial or social media content campaign that entertains, is entertaining to create, and yields a return on investment? W could be a fit, but if not, he’ll be sure to point you in the right direction during a free 30 minute consult.

WallingWorld is a 501C3 Non-Profit fiscally sponsored by From The Heart Productions, Inc.
All contributions to WallingWorld for content creation are tax deductible. We also take charitable donations of products with resale value in which we market and sell on WallingWorld and through WallingWorld’s social media channels. We have received donations such as highly valuable beanie baby collections, fur coats, vehicles and other valuables. For an exact breakdown of allocation of resources refer to the end of this video or call +1-520-528-7352

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