Weekly News: Trudeau Planning to Bring Back Vaccine Mandates

1 year ago

In this week’s Iron Will Report:

Long wait times now costing patients an average of $3,000
The Alberta election and our Not Notley campaign
The jackboots of B.C. : The details of Bill 36
Reclaiming Canada: Victoria conference May 26 to 28
Influencer Makes 70G in One Week With X-Rated AI Clone
Chinese cities begin to pay public employees in digital yuan
Canada tried digital currency in 2012: Dismal failure
Government can now audit you on GST going back 33 years
Canada Pension Plan invested in Chinese slave labor
Trudeau increases taxes on air travel
Single pilot flights proposed in Europe: Only one pilot on board
Bud Light gets cancelled again - this time by gay bars
Smoking Gun: Proof Trudeau is bringing back vaccine mandates

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