Josh Hawley Calls Out FBI, Hillary Clinton & Biden Regime | Father Time Dunks on LeBron | Ep 449

1 year ago

“You read the Durham report — people need to go to jail for what they did ... I want to see some prosecutions brought. That would be real accountability.” Missouri Senator Josh Hawley pulls no punches when it comes to the level of corruption he sees in Washington, D.C. The Durham report is just the latest example of the double standard that exists between conservatives and the modern Left. “The double standard here is unbelievable ... I think that’s the point. This is a time to be courageous. This is a time to be fearless.” Hawley shares his thoughts on the FBI, Hillary Clinton, and the Biden administration. Plus, he shares about the inspiration for his new book, “Manhood: The Masculine Virtues America Needs.” Jason believes that Father Time has finally caught up with LeBron James. The Lakers are down 0-2 to Nikola Jokić and the Denver Nuggets. Steve Kim joins the show to talk about the NBA playoffs and ESPN’s blatant disrespect for Jokić. Jason and the "Korean Cosell” also discuss Pat McAfee’s utter shock that his audience has an issue with him moving to ESPN full-time. And Jason and Steve spar over Sports Illustrated’s attempt to convict Brett Favre of fraud for his role in the “Mississippi welfare scandal.”

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