WAM: 36 MILLION VACCINE DEATHS - The Genocide Has JUST BEGUN! Next is mRNA Flu Vax 5-19-2023

1 year ago

WAM: 36 MILLION VACCINE DEATHS - The Genocide Has JUST BEGUN! Next is mRNA Flu Vax 5-19-2023
Josh Sigurdson reports on the mass die-off of the injected as numbers continue to pile up, worse each year despite less people getting the injections.
It would make sense to say the injections are ticking time bombs and as we see 36 million vaccine deaths worldwide (the population of Canada), most of the vaccine related deaths are not being labeled as such or are not being counted by independent reviewers. The actual death toll is unthinkable.
Meanwhile, The NIH has just begun clinical testing of mRNA based flu injections in order to step up the eugenics agenda and force deadly shots on more men, women and children.
Will it be anywhere near as successful as last time? Or have enough people woken up?
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