Left & Right (Pt.1 & 2)

1 year ago

Folks, another election is coming up next year. We've been yanked from one side to the other without even the hope of a prospect of a president who is not corrupt , genuinely cares about his /her country, and has the utmost respect for the American process seems unreachable. This is however, what the Forward Party wants to achieve, though regrettably it seems that they are far from being influential enough to win the presidency; and even if they could, is it even likely that such a president (who would not fit the pro-war status quo) would have a large enough impact to make a series of differences in a meaningful way?

We all know that the system's broken and that elections, especially at the presidential level (though not only), by and large, don't work for us. However, getting cynical is not the answer nor the goal of my channel. We can make a difference one by one, and it starts by seriously developing our own beliefs and therefore value systems, which is going to require a lot of discomfort and disagreement. Yet, don't forget that the alternative to that is tyranny, being subject to unbenevolent masters, or worse.

Today's video is meant to remind you about our sworn leaders, and hang tight, because it won't be my only case against the Left & Right...

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