The Faces of Vaccine Injury Massachusetts: Bridget

1 year ago

The Faces of Vaccine Injury Massachusetts organized by HealthRights Ma with Children's Health Defense New England was held in the Nurses' Hall, MA State House on Thursday, May 18th, 11am to 2pm. All MA Legislators were invited: some attended and some of their aides attended and over 80 people gathered to listen to the more than 20 stories of vaccine injury, vaccine coercion and loss of employment and education due to noncompliance with the Covid shots. One of the Children's Health Defense New England Chapter Leaders, Bridget Kearns of MA, shared her story. An amazing book with over 100 stories, The Faces of Vaccine Injury Massachusetts, was printed and shared with every legislator. Stay tuned for the video of the entire event which will be coming soon on CHD-TV.

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