Charlie Freak LIVE ~ Life or Death: What’s it Going to Be?

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Charlie Freak LIVE ~ Life or Death: What’s it Going to Be?

6:30pm PST, 8:30pm CST, 9:30pm EST, 1:30am UK Time, 3:30am SAST, 12:30pm Sydney Australia, 2:30pm Wellington NZ

Colleen, Justin and I will be LIVE tonight with another very Important Show on the Topic of Life or Death…we as a Species are at The Crossroads, as we have been raised to believe in Lies and reject God’s Truth; thus, we Live in an Upside Down World, with Upside Down Beliefs, that consistently work Against us, and Never for us…

Each of us have become a Legacy of Bad Choices, which lead to Bad Habits and False Beliefs, and while these things are not permanent, they are DIFFICULT to change, because we are Creatures of Habit…However, until we Change our Ways, then NOTHING will Change for us in our Lives; thus, if we have been told to Consume Food and Beverages UNWISELY, then we will become Sick and REMAIN Sick until such time we change…and this is True of EVERY SINGLE ASPECT of our Lives, both Physically and Metaphysically, or Mentally…

Most People, and I mean around 99% of those who currently Live upon this Material Plane, have no single idea what the Truth is, who they are, or what they are supposed to be doing…and this isn’t just Sad, it is down right PATHETIC, as God Created us as Sovereign Entities, Capable of Living with others, or by being Alone, with God…and yet, MOST are completely Lost with NO HOPE IN SIGHT, when the Answers are RIGHT In Front of them, in Plain Sight, and to boot, All Answers are COMMON SENSICAL in Nature, meaning that we Intuitively already KNOW what the Answers are, even before we begin to ask the Questions…but only a Precious Few ever come to Know these things, as Most refuse to Live in the Now, rather, they Choose to remain Slaves to the Illusion of a Life spent dwelling on our Past ‘Mistakes’ while Fretting over the Future; thus, Never Living in the NOW…

Tonight’s Show is going to focus upon COMMON SENSE and the Obvious, so that each of you will be fully ABEL to INNERSTAND what is being said here, and thus, ABEL to Teach these Truths to Anyone else, as again, the Truth is ALWAYS Simple (Occam’s Razor) and Direct…Topic after Topic, Bad Habit after Bad Habit, we Expose the False Lives we have been leading UNDER the Lies of the Cabal, and then simply Reveal the Truth of what Truly is and is meant to be, which is Heaven Upon Earth, and NOT Hell…

False Belief after False Belief will be Exposed, while the Truth will be Revealed…and then, it simply comes down to YOU…what will do from here, once you KNOW BETTER as the Truth and Purpose of God’s Creation??? Will you slide back into Slothfulness and refuse to make the necessary Changes in your Life to begin to become Healthy again of both the Body and the Mind, or will you Stand Up and Stand Tall for both God and Yourself, and begin to ACCEPT THE TRUTH, Wherever it leads you, so help you God…

Changing your Life for the Better is SIMPLE to Achieve, however, it does take WORK, and lot’s of it, Daily, so that you remove the Lies that your Ego once held onto, like a Savior, for God’s Truth of Creation, and that is the Truth of both Mother Earth and Father Heaven, which exist before us and WITHIN us, Eternally, but are no longer taught within the confines of Organized Society…Choose to do that which is RIGHT, no matter what, and I GUARANTEE You that you will be Healed, Choose NOT to do what is Right, and You will FALL into the Abyss that is waiting for all those who wish to remain remain Slothful and Ignorant, and this too, I GUARANTEE…as we are Truly at the Crossroads, and this is that MOMENT where YOU must Choose which Way you are going to Follow…that of the Broad and Spacious Lie and Sin, or that which is the Strait and Narrow Way, in Truth, Love, Light and Virtue...

The Choice is Ours, thus, we must learn to Choose, WISELY, Sans the Ego, starting NOW...

So, Join us LIVE tonight and get ready for an Amazing Experience…See You Soon!

Love, CF

So, sit back, Relax, and Enjoy this Live Show, and please remember friends that Colleen and I take care of 80 Animals here at our Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary, if you can comfortably afford to donate a little towards the costs of caring for our precious Family, we would greatly appreciate it...if you cannot afford to help, you can help in other ways, including sending us your Intentions of Love, of Strength and of Wisdom...So, if you are willing, we would be VERY appreciative if you could sign up Monthly, via PayPal (which works well in Mexico), or thru our Givesendgo page...for a one time PayPal Donation to our Animals,

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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