Homesteading WNC plants growing roots quickly, Electroculture

1 year ago

Amazed at how quickly the plants are growing new roots! Enjoying watching our soul quality improve drastically over last year. More on our electroculture experiment

Come visit our healing center and homestead in Weaverville North Carolina just north of Asheville NC WNC

Have a bodywork session, a homeopathic work up, an Intuitive reading, workout on the Pravilo, join us for a Systema ( martial art) class or buy a herbal medicine, eggs or other good from our Sovereign Pantry & Apothecary (some services are available over phone/ video!)

Learn more at

#asheville #northcarolina #electroculture #homesteading #plants #plantstarts #homesteadingforbeginners #sovereigntylab #systema #martialarts #pravilo

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