Congress is Buying THIS AI Stock

1 year ago

Congress is buying this AI stock hand over first, and Alex Boulden has proof. Check it out...

Following Sam Altman's testimony to congress, Alex decided to do a little digging and found that members of congress are buying up shares of C3.AI stock faster than any other AI company out there. So what's the Inside Baseball: Play of the Day for today? Research C3.AI and see if that is the AI company you want exposure to. We know it's the AI stock that congress likes.

It's already climbed 30% this week and if the love from congress means anything, this stock's run is far from over.

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Disclaimer: We do not provide personal investment advice. Forward-looking statements and projections are subject to change and may be inaccurate. All investing carries risk. Be smart out there. And good luck.

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