3 Ways To Save Your Baby Chicks From Being Crippled

1 year ago

Chickens are well-known for adding numerous benefits to a homestead (bug control, eggs, manure, and meat--if you do that). But in the past year, we've been experimenting with turkeys, which have proven to be fascinating additions to our homestead.

As we've been purchasing fertile eggs to start our own flock, we've run into the following serious problems that will likely cause you to lose your chick if uncorrected:

Curled toe
Splayed leg (aka spraddle leg)
Stargazer (Wry neck)

One thing we discovered is that these issues are often caused by poor nutrition in the parents. So Lisa has really been digging into that piece a lot.

Since these are big issues if your chick or turkey polt develop them, we put together a video to show you what we've been having success with for treating all 3 of these conditions.

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