40 question Get to know me #tnoggettingtoknowyoutag

1 year ago

40 question Get to know me compressed #tnoggettingtoknowyoutag
1. Do you have Pets?
2, Are you in a Relationship?
3, Do you drink Alcohol?
4, Do You Believe in God?
5 Hot Dogs or Cheese Burgers?
6, Favorite FOOD?
7. What do you Drink in The AM?
8, Can you Do 100 Pushups?
9. Favorite Season Of The Year?
10. Favorite Hobby?
11. Do you have Tattoos?
12, Do you wear Glasses?
13. Do you have any Phobias or Fears?
14. Do you have a Nick Name?
15. Favorite Candy?
16, Do you Believe in Ghost?
17, RAIN or SNOW?
18, Do You Have Any Piercings?
19. Age?
20. French Fries Or Onions Rings?
21, Do You Have Children?
22. Favorite Color
23. Can You Sing
24. Can you Whistle
25. Where Were You Born
26. Do You Have Any Siblings
27. Can You Cook
28. Can You Swim
29. Shower or Bath
30. City Or Nature
31.Are You a Good Friend
32. Any Broken Bones
33. How Many TVs In Your Home
34. Worst Pain Ever
35. Do You Like To Dance
36. Camping or Hotel
37. Do You Think You Are Weird
38 How Long You Have Been Gardening
39. If You Can Grow Any ONE thing In Your Garden. What Will It Be?
40. What is Your Grow Zone

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