Nine | Dystopian Audiobook

1 year ago

Chapter 9 of book one in the dystopian saga by American author, Kawika Miles. Jax is no longer safe in Area Thirty-Eight and with things beyond his control put into motion, he has only one choice: find the Raiders or die by the PPA's hand.

"Renn created a self-fulfilling prophecy that the longer they wait, the more they jeopardize the box falling into the wrong hands. Where speed was once their perceived enemy, it is now their greatest ally."

"...ideological and physiological weakness in subordinates makes them easier to control. Unarmed and mentally ill-equipped slaves are much more compliant than the armed, knowledgeable citizen."

This dystopian audiobook podcast is brought to you by those of you who support the author. Click the link to go the author’s site at Damn It I Love America and buy a copy of the book or get an American dystopian shirt. Don't forget to like and share!

Intro and outro music: Audiomachine

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