2023.05. Promo game War Legends at AMG DAO 1.rész

1 year ago

Welcome to my channel!
I'm currently involved in a fascinating project with the Stream 2 Earn
program, where I can earn money with streaming, as a player at AMG
DAO’s Creator Academy.
AMG is a decentralized autonomous organization, creating new economic
opportunities through crypto gaming as the first employer of the
metaverse. AMG provides access to crypto games so players can
play-and-earn, built the Creator Academy where we are creating courses
for web3 streamers and in our Game Academy we teach players how to
create in-game content - user generated content with AI and no-coding
skills required.
We aim to become the most significant and best-known Guild in Central
and Eastern Europe, thus further contributing to the development of our
members and community.
If you are interested in similar opportunities, visit the official Guild
This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio

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