Zelda Tears of the Kingdom A Call from the Depths - Statue Trapped Under Water Behind Stone Gate

1 year ago

The Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom guide showing how to start and complete the A Call from the Depths quest.

The hint for this questline is received either from the statue in the Temple of Time on the surface, or from the Bargainer Statue in the Great Abandoned Central Min in the Depths. They both say, "I am trapped…under the water…behind the stone gate…of the great plateau…" Once you find the statue, return to the Temple of Time and interact with the statue there to start the quest. Then, drop for statue eyes into chasms around the plateau. Finally, transport and place each eye in the Bargainer Statue in the Depths.

After everything is complete, you will receive a container (heart/stamina) and have access to purchase more gear for the Depths.

Time Stamps:
00:00 - Quest Hints
00:48 - Statue Under Water
01:25 - Quest Start
01:45 - East Chasm Eye
02:14: - North Chasm Eye
02:36 - West Chasm Eye
03:12 - South Chasm Eye
03:43 - South Eye Path
05:09 - West Eye Path
06:53 - East Eye Path
08:33 - North Eye Path
10:20 - Quest End
10:52 - Hood of the Depths

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