Kids Say the Darndest Things 50 | Special Best Of Episode Part 2

1 year ago

It’s time for the final installment of our special “Kids Say the Darndest Things” series! As always, we’ve gathered some of the most hilariously insightful quotes from our pint-sized interviewees. On starting school: “I don’t want to go to school. I want to stay home and play with my toys.” “I don’t want to go to school. I want to stay home and play with my toys.” On making new friends: “If I don’t like someone, I just tell them to go away and not be my friend.” “If I don’t like someone, I just tell them to go away and not be my friend.” On the Tooth Fairy: “I know she’s real because my mom has her teeth.” “I know she’s real because my mom has her teeth.” On the Easter Bunny: “I think the Easter Bunny is real, but I’m not sure because my parents never tell me what happens when I go to bed on Easter night.” “I think the Easter Bunny is real, but I’m not sure because my parents never tell me what happens when I go to bed on Easter night.” On being a good kid: “I try to be good, but sometimes I just can’t help it and I have to be bad.” As always, it’s been a delight getting to know the thoughts of America’s youth. Be sure to check out our other Kids Say the Darndest Things episodes for more laughs!

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