How it all began... Young Gustav in 1985 carspotting in London, New York WTC + dads BMW 518i E28

4 years ago

Dad changed his Toyota Corolla to a BMW 518i E28 stsrted my interest in BMW in particular. BMW, AMG, Alpina and Koenig Specials 1000 HP Koenig Competition Evolution where favorites from an early age.

I wrote letters (snail mail) to Alpina, Ruf, Noelle, Koenig Specials, Gemballa and more. The only ones who did not reply was Gemballa. Alois Ruf, Burkhard Bovensiepen and the son of Willy Koenig all replied in person.

Also a visit to London, New York City incl. World Trade Center and a baloonride. I beleive the videos are from 1985 and onwards. Always a red thread or light: cars! Baloon ride over Stockholm as well. And some clips from the military with my love AK5 / FN FAL based assault rifle made in Sweden.

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