India Service 051823 50 Miracle Testimonies 83 Salvations

1 year ago

Dear Pastor Greg Young thank and Praise God that we had a blessed outreach meeting, where so many people came in this meeting, this outreach meeting was organized by three people who accepted Jesus Christ in our outreach meeting last month, that meeting was conducted in the low caste people who were so blessed and all of them were so blessed to hear your testimony and sharing of the Gods Word from you, at that meeting 34 people accepted Jesus Christ and 29 people were healed in spite of Wind and rain God was glorified and three of those converts arranged this meeting today.
Here is today's report:
Dear Pastor Greg Young thank and Praise God that we had a blessed outreach meeting, where so many people came even some of the Sikh people also attended this meeting and all of them were so blessed to hear your testimony and sharing of the Gods Word from you, 83 people accepted Jesus Christ and more than 50 people were healed, 8 people were delivered from evil spirit, 20 people who were having back pain in same place, God instantly touched them and healed all of them, one sister was watching and hearing from her roof, she believed and healed from the shoulders pain that was since 7 years. All glory to God, God did His mighty work. Thank you for your prayers and support
We all are praying for you, family, Radio ministry and all who have been giving sacrificially for the India ministry
All glory to God
God bless you

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