You were tricked with words! The devils got you!

1 year ago

You were tricked with words! The devils got you! Now eu parliament announcing it in 2023 but bayer alredy told you at the world health summit that MRNA was GENE THERAPY! Therefore it was not a vaccine ... See there is a point to SLOW LEAKS .. More people hear it, when its fresh on the underground news the mainstream does not promote it! EU parliament getting allot of traction they have a important part to play when it comes to controlling the information and putting it out at the right time. Now must be the right time for confirmation so they rolling the truth out under official bodies so the general public pay attention! What is being pushed out is nothing the truthers didnt know but now its for all to know so they can feel like something is happening! They will be pushing nuremburg next ha! give them chance donation buckets will be out too! We will also be showing original clips from when it was FRESH! from above video. Additional link TRANSHUMAN, MICROSOFT patented exclusive rights, TO USE YOU? OWNED BY BIG TECH YOU ARE THE NEW CURRENCY

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