Try Not To Laugh or Grin While Watching Funny Kids Vines - Best Viners

11 months ago

Kids are always funny and their videos never fail to make us laugh. Here are some of the funniest vines of kids that will definitely make you laugh out loud. Sometimes, the simplest things are the funniest. Just watch these kids and see for yourself. In this vine, a little girl is trying to say "I love you" to her dad, but what comes out instead is "I love pie". This next vine is of a little boy who is trying to wake his dad up in the morning. But, his dad is a heavy sleeper and he doesn't wake up no matter what the little boy does. In this vine, a little girl is trying to put on a brave face for her mom, but she ends up crying instead. This next vine is of a little girl who is trying to say goodbye to her mom, but she gets really emotional and can't stop crying. This next vine is of a little boy who is trying to get his dog to stay in the yard, but the dog keeps escaping. This next vine is of a little girl who is trying to get her cat to come out from under the bed, but the cat is having none of it. This next vine is of a little boy who is trying to ride his bike, but he can't seem to stay on it for more than a few seconds. In this vine, a little girl is trying to show her parents how good she is at singing, but she ends up singing off-key. In this vine, a little boy is trying to tell a joke, but it's not very funny. In this vine, a little boy is trying to make a robot using a cardboard box, but it doesn't turn out very well. In this vine, a little girl is trying to show her mom how good she is at drawing, but the drawing is pretty terrible. In this vine, a little boy is trying to teach his dog how to high five, but the dog can't seem to get it right. In this vine, a little boy is trying to get his cat to play with him, but the cat is just not having it. In this vine, a little boy is trying to show his parents how good he is at math, but he can't seem to get the answer correct. In this vine,

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