Iy'Zekiel survival recipe: No feces cakes

1 year ago

Friends, shaytaan and his minions have been putting poison and feces ad GMO's into our food and the food supplies. Friends, to learn more information about Iy and Iy'ELU'YAH and Iy'ELU'HYMN'Iy whom Iys Thee AWED: And also Thee Almighty Iy. Would you please follow me online and also by visiting my Facebook page and also My YouTube and Rumble channel? Thank you. There would be a link at the end of this message. Thank you.
And please would you check out my message which is called Iys Bethel Thee first Pyramid: And also my message Iy, exist: And here is all the proof that you'll ever needed to know that Iy'Izreal. Thank you.
https://youtu.be/uxnsG0pQAqA Thank you. The end. To be continued: Please click here if you want to listen on my YouTube channel.

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